Goodman Amana 10727920 Replacement Part
- (1) - Pressure Switch w/Bracket (10727920)
- W.C.L -.055 PF
- Normally Open
Country of Origin: Costa Rica
Replaces Old Goodman Amana Part Numbers
- There are no older part numbers.
Other Part Numbers
9381VO-HS-0022, Goodman PN: 10727920, SN: 68086/00255, Costa Rica 45/11, -0.55 PF, MPL. 24VAC, 1A, NO NC, COM
Fits Goodman, Amana, Daikin, Janitrol, Kenmore, McQuay, Xenon, GMC, and Gree Models:
(Press ctrl + F to find model number below.)
P1230401F, P1230501F, P1226801F, P1230402F, P1230502F, P1230403F, P1230503F, P1226802F, P1226803F, P1226809F, P1230404F, P1230504F, P1230405F, P1230505F, P1226804F, P1226805F, P1230406F, P1230506F, P1230407F, P1230507F, P1226806F, P1226807F, P1230408F, P1230508F, P1226808F, P1229001F, P1229101F, P1229201F, P1229301F, P1222501F, P1222601F, P1229002F, P1229102F, P1229003F, P1229103F, P1229202F, P1229302F, P1229203F, P1229303F, P1222502F, P1222503F, P1222602F, P1222603F, P1229004F, P1229104F, P1229005F, P1229105F, P1229204F, P1229304F, P1229205F, P1229305F, P1222504F, P1222505F, P1222604F, P1222605F, P1229006F, P1229106F, P1229007F, P1229107F, P1229206F, P1229306F, P1229207F, P1229307F, P1222506F, P1222507F, P1222606F, P1222607F, P1229008F, P1229108F, P1229208F, P1229308F, P1222508F, P1222608F, P1212401F, P1229401F, P1229501F, P1212501F, P1229601F, P1229701F, P1226901F, P1227001F, P1212402F, P1229402F, P1229502F, P1212403F, P1229403F, P1229503F, P1212502F, P1229602F, P1229702F, P1212503F, P1229603F, P1229703F, P1226902F, P1226903F, P1226909F, P1227002F, P1227003F, P1227009F, P1212404F, P1229404F, P1229504F, P1212405F, P1229405F, P1229505F, P1212504F, P1229604F, P1229704F, P1212505F, P1229605F, P1229705F, P1226904F, P1226905F, P1226910F, P1227004F, P1227005F, P1227010F, P1212407F, P1229407F, P1229507F, P1212507F, P1229607F, P1229707F, P1226907F, P1226911F, P1227007F, P1227011F, P1204227F
- SKU:
- 10727920
- Condition:
- New
- Weight:
- 2.00 LBS
- Shipping:
- Calculated at Checkout
- Water Column:
- -0.55